Justice Action Teams
VIDEOS PHOTOS Meet our 2018 Interns from Hong Kong!
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VIDEOS PHOTOS Meet our 2018 Interns from Hong Kong!
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No matter how much we labor within our particular issues and organisations, it will be through the support links and networks we build together, that will allow us to counterbalance and overcome the resources of governments and entrenched bureaucracies. The NSW Criminal Justice Coalition Justice Action is a founding member of the Criminal Justice Coalition
History is the story and product of human experiences, and can provide valuable perspectives into people and events, which can then be recorded and preserved for future generations. Through this process, we can build relationships with prisoners and the general communities by humanising and challenging prevailing stereotypical constructions of prisoners and their families, prison life
Malcolm Baker, a 67 year old Australian prisoner, is being subjected to forced medication and 15 years of solitary confinement, 23 years after being given a natural life sentence. Tracy Brannigan died of drug overdose due to negligence by prison authorities, just three months shy of her possible release. Over 13 years after being found
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JA has continually supported the rights and welfare of prisoners, mental health patients and their families as an expression of the prisoner community in Australia. JA has also contributed to the safety of the wider community. The organisation’s activities have addressed a wide range of areas such as health, education with an emphasis on assisting
“Oxfam encourages socially responsible companies to support Justice Action by inviting BREAKOUT to quote for their design and print work.” Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam/Community Aid Abroad. In order to stay completely independent Justice Action has relied on Breakout DesignPrintWeb as its principal financial support. Run by members of Justice Action, Breakout DesignPrintWeb has been
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Justice Action represents people locked in Australian prisons and hospitals, defending human rights in the hardest places. The movement to provide a voice, and to show support for prisoners dates back to when Australia was a penal colony. The movement arose in response to the inhumane slavery and degradation of convicts at that time. Justice
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