Hall of Shame

The Hall of Shame is a place where those in power are exposed for unethical and abhorrent behaviour. Transgressions are often concealed from the public eye as those in power abuse their position, often by preying upon the most vulnerable members of society.

In sacrificing their publicly stated principles, such individuals and organisations controlled by their people have betrayed those who entrusted them with power and responsibility. Their detestable behaviour epitomises the corruption and injustice that our society actively fights.

The aim of the Hall of Shame is to place pressure on these people to change their behaviour to be in line with community expectations of someone in a position of power. The Hall’s aim is to use shame, the personal feeling of internal revulsion and self-condemnation that is the direct consequence of rejection by one’s community. Shame comes from deep inside oneself; it is the result of a breach of one’s personal ethics. Shame is one of the most powerful emotions. It is the consequence of one violating social or cultural values through either thoughts or behaviour. Shame differs from guilt, which is the regretful violation of one’s own internal values. Shame on the other hand, is not only intensely personal but also contains a public element. Shaming individuals and organisations publicly ensures powerful members of society are accountable for their actions.

The Hall of Shame highlights the shameful behaviour of those people who are influential in society, policy makers and those who enforce these policies. The ultimate purpose of the Hall is to promote public pressure on such people so that they amend their behaviour, and deter others.

After nominees for the Hall of Shame have been contacted, they are given a period of seven days, within which they have the opportunity to respond to the Hall’s allegations. They are requested to cease offending public standards and expectations by making a genuine effort to demonstrate the core values of honesty and integrity that they purport to uphold.

There are significant national issues that need to be addressed such as universal healthcare, access to education for all including detainees and inmates, and a restoration of all human rights including the right to fair and equitable justice. If it takes a “Hall of Shame” to raise the issues within society of the shameful acts perpetrated by those in a position to bring about changes, then so be it!

Hall of Shame website

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