Meeting with Timor-Leste Consul-General 3rd February 2021
Australia has been linked to Timor-Leste because they will connect Timor Leste to the North West cable system to help the country transition from expensive satellite services to a fibre optic internet connection. Timor-Leste is one of the few countries without fibre-optic internet connection. Within the Timor-Leste prisons system, police use excessive force and internal disciplinary mechanisms to correct the injustices are weak. See the full report on Timor Leste Prisons here.
Justice Action facilitated a meeting between Timor-Leste Consul-General Luciano Valentim Da Conceicao and the President of the Community Justice Coalition and International Commission of Jurists, The Hon John Dowd AO QC that focused on creating an NGO focused on prisoners in Timor-Leste.