Correction centres included:
- Bathurst Correctional Centre
- Cessnock Correctional Centre
- Clarence Correctional Centre
- Dillwynia Correctional Centre
- Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre
- Goulburn correctional centre
- Junee CC
- Kirkconnell correctional centre
- Long Bay Correctional Complex
- Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC)
- Mid North Coast Correctional Centre
- Parklea
- Shortland
- Silverwater
- South Coast Correctional Centre
- Unknown
Contact issues
- [Name Redacted] Inmates are being refused envelopes via buy up to communicate with their family/loved ones. Believed that this is an attempt to slow/gag information.
- MRRC: Wife of [Name Redacted] with their young kids and lawyer are unable to contact prisoner, prisoner is left uninformed about his case and court decision.
- MRRC: Wife of [Name Redacted] unable to contact prisoner; not aware of COVID-19 status, cell-sharing status or vaccination status.
- Mid North Coast: [Name Redacted] only allowed to contact partner an hour a day, minimal contact and lack of in-person visits affecting prisoner’s mental health.
- Parklea: Wife of [Name Redacted] has tried to stay in contact with Parklea about the prisoners COVID-19 status, with insufficient information given. Prisoner is expected to soon be released, but cannot return home because the daughter has serious respiratory issues.
- Parklea: Family of [Name Redacted] not able to contact prisoner, putting strain on his wife and daughter.
- Silverwater Unable to contact [Name Redacted]: has missed court dates and mother is on life support.
- Parklea: Partner of [Name Redacted] unable to contact him for 17 days.
- Unknown : Family of [Name Redacted] has been unable to contact.
- Bathurst Correctional Centre : Social visits via Zoom have been cancelled, and there is no access to tablets [Name Redacted]
Life-style issues
- Goulburn: [Name Redacted] forced to go days without showering.
- Junee: [Name Redacted] locked in for 23 hr a day.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] has not been allowed clean clothes/bed sheets for 2 weeks+. Has not been given cutlery to eat. Living space is less than 4×4 sqm.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] not being let out, putting him at risk for self-harm due to mental health issues (suffers untreated schizophrenia and night tremors).
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] has been locked in for 10 days without being let out for outdoor exercise or phone calls.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] only allowed outside 1 hr per day (locked up 23 hrs).
- South Coast: Senior, [Name Redacted] refused exercise, outdoor access, reading material.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] only allowed out of cell for 15 mins “if he is lucky”.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] held in area under 4sqm.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] is only allowed out of cell for 10-30 minutes a day, not enough time to make calls to family.
- Unknown: [Name Redacted] denied clean bedding.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] in segregation has left his cell once per day for 10 minutes. Cannot leave segregation due to covid issues, and similarly cannot be transferred back into the main jail.
- Bathurst: At time of writing, [Name Redacted] had only been in custody for 2 weeks, which was spent in solitary confinement with no time outside of the cell whatsoever.
Hygiene issues
- Clarence: Limit on how many times the toilet can be flushed and hands can only be washed if adjacent cells are not using the water [Name Redacted]
- Dillwynia: Severely overcrowded. 11 women housed together and denied sanitizer, masks, gloves, living quarters cannot accommodate social distancing [Name Redacted]
- Unknown : Prisoner has gone days without showers [Name Redacted]
Medical issues
- Bathurst: Fully vaccinated inmate but with underlying health issues, not specified [Name Redacted]
- Dillwynia: [Name Redacted] with ectopic heartbreak and a slow leaking valve in her heart, not been assessed or addressed by a cardiologist.
- Mid North Coast: [Name Redacted] with a spike in blood pressure, but this has not been monitored in custody. Has regular nosebleeds, musculoskeletal issues and only one kidney. Is also unvaccinated.
- MRRC: [Name Redacted] in a critical health condition, kidney failure, MRRC did not take his condition into account and had to be rushed to hospital, had to have an emergency surgery.
- “If someone had of listened he would not have had to have the emergency surgery. He was left in isolation for 14 days dying and one more night he would not be here today.”
- Silverwater: [Name Redacted] not receiving adequate help/medication for mental, physical and addiction problems.
- Silverwater: [Name Redacted] with past health issues including heart failure has spent 7 weeks in total isolation, with a high risk of contracting the virus.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] mental health is declining, not receiving adequate help.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] with MRSA not receiving a requested bandage for 5 days. Also suffers from asthma and bipolar. Not medicated for bipolar.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] with severe asthma requested medication and was denied it.
Parklea: [Name Redacted] not receiving required medication (mental and physical health issues). - Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from heart complications.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from asthma, has requested medication which has not been provided.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from respiratory issues as well as asthma.
- Goulburn: Prisoner suffers from asthma. (Shane Challis)
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from asthma.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] was admitted to hospital twice last year for attacks of asthma. Fearful of what would happen if he contracted Covid, family feel as though the jail is not safe for him.
- Junee: Concern for [Name Redacted] as an Indigenous Australian who is unsure of any underlying medical conditions which could make him more vulnerable to contracting Covid.
- Kirkconnell correctional centre: [Name Redacted] has severe depression, and it has been noted on his file that his incarceration has attributed to this.
- South Coast Correctional Centre: [Name Redacted] diagnosed with high blood pressure.
- Clarence Correctional Centre: Due to lung problems [Name Redacted] has been advised against receiving Astra Zeneca Vaccine.
- Unknown: [Name Redacted] suffers from asthma and other breathing issues. Recently was hospitalised with a severe staphylococcal infection which almost required open heart surgery. Due to existing medical conditions, would be fatal for him to contract Covid-19.
- Unknown: Concerns for [Name Redacted] from partner and GP that inmate may have ASD.
Mental Health Issues:
- Bathurst: [Name Redacted] physical and mental wellbeing is at risk being away from his family, Him and his partner are expecting a child. Partner relying on him for financial support in preparation of the baby.
- Bathurst: Indigenous inmate [Name Redacted] on remand who suffers mental health.
- Dillwynia: [Name Redacted] with severe mental health issues, multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety did not receive medications for 3 months.
- Mid North Coast: [Name Redacted] not receiving adequate help for mental health issues. Suffers from disorders that contributed to his offences which has resulted in him returning to jail. Due to Covid has been locked into his cell for more than 12 hours a day.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] Schizophrenia is left untreated, inmate suffers severe night tremors, was released from Liverpool hospital without treatment. Partner is concerned for his welfare and how this will affect his life.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] resorted to creating small fires and self-harming causing ‘flooding of the cell’.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] with cognitive disability kept in total isolation for 23 hours a day for over about 22 days.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] not receiving adequate help for mental health issues; PTSD, anxiety, depression.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from mental health issues.
- Geoffrey Pearce Correctional: [Name Redacted] No diagnosis has been made, but believes that he suffers from depression and PTSD due to lengthy periods of incarceration and the death of his father. He has not received any treatment for his mental health problems.
- Parklea: Concern for mental health of [Name Redacted]. Spends days at a time in isolation, in a cell for 23.5 hours a day. Has no history of mental illness, but is now paranoid and scared due to the treatment in prison.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] suffers from depression and anxiety. Being locked in a cell exacerbates these issues.
- Goulburn: [Name Redacted] suffers from depression and has suicidal tendencies.
- Long Bay Correctional Complex: [Name Redacted] suffers from OCD, ADHD and dyslexia.
- Cessnock Correctional Centre: [Name Redacted] has remained in prison on remand after his sentence ceased to answer for further charges, had subsequently become extremely depressed.
- Shortland: [Name Redacted] suffers from ADHD and has not been given medication.
- Junee: [Name Redacted] has recently been diagnosed with liver cancer, unsure of how long he has left to live. Taking a toll on the prisoners mental health and wellbeing. Is only being released from his cell for 1 hour a day making him depressed.
- South Coast Correctional Centre: [Name Redacted] diagnosed with PTSD.
Prevention issues
- Clarence: [Name Redacted] refused access to mask despite sharing cell, prisoners allowed in without quarantine, no social distancing rules.
- Parklea: Being dishonest to family of [Name Redacted] about the events concerning the outbreak at their facility, screenshots of Governor’s complicity.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] reports that no masks available or masks not properly worn by the prison guards, no sanitizer, inmates forced to visit “hotspots” within the prison, sharing cell mate despite denied the vaccine.
- South Coast: [Name Redacted] reports that no masks available to prisoners, masks not properly worn by the prison guards, no sanitizer or social distancing, communal phones are not being cleaned between calls, sharing cell mate despite denied the vaccine.
Vaccine issues
- Clarence: [Name Redacted] requested vaccination however has not received it yet and has not heard back about request.
- Clarence: [Name Redacted] denied access to vaccination, has physical disability and mental health symptoms.
- Geoffrey: [Name Redacted] refused vaccination despite having a chronic medical condition and being close to COVID-19 positive cases.
- Goulburn: [Name Redacted] refused vaccination.
- Junee: [Name Redacted] refused vaccination.
- Junee: [Name Redacted] requested vaccination however has not received it yet.
- MRRC: [Name Redacted] has combined health issues increasing risk of illness, has not been offered the vaccine.
- Shortland: [Name Redacted] reports that prisoners has to pay for their Pfizer vaccine but can access AZ for free.
- Shortland: [Name Redacted] refused vaccination despite constantly changing cell and prison facility.
- South Coast: Senior [Name Redacted] requested vaccine (has been asking for 11 weeks) but was refused from receiving it based on age
- Mid North Coast: [Name Redacted] was locked in his cell for 4 days due to a covid scare, received no testing and has not been offered a vaccine.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] requested vaccination on multiple occasions however has not received it yet.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] refused second dose Religious reasons for denying second dose.
- Parklea: [Name Redacted] has yet to receive second dose due to vaccines being diverted from prison.
- Unknown: [Name Redacted] has requested vaccination multiple times but still not vaccinated, told vaccination would not be available until early 2022.
- Unknown: [Name Redacted] has not been vaccinated due to having type 2 diabetes and other health concerns. (Ford Lee)
- Junee: [Name Redacted] has not been offered a vaccine yet.
- Unknown : [Name Redacted] has asked to be vaccinated for over 3 months and is still waiting for first dose.
- South Coast Correctional Centre : [Name Redacted] has not been offered vaccination but would like to get vaccinated ASAP.
- Junee: [Name Redacted] has put name down to be vaccinated on multiple occasions but has yet to be vaccinated.