Blanket Photocopying Policy Raised at Budget Estimates Hearing
At the Budget Estimates hearing on 1st March, 2024, MP Ms. Sue Higginson posed several questions to Acting Commissioner, Leon Taylor and Minister for Corrections, Analouk Chanthivong regarding the handling of prisoner mail by NSW Corrections.
Ms. Higginson raised the findings in the report by the NSW Inspector of Custodial Services; Review of the response to COVID-19 in NSW custody which included that the practice is likely illegal and should cease immediately. Minister Chanthivong indicated he was aware of the practice and issue, but reasserted the necessity of the policy due to contraband risk. Ms. Higginson highlighted that the policy was brought in for a specific purpose and within a specific context; during COVID-19 lockdowns when mail was the only means of communication and pathway for contraband entry between prisoners and their personal contacts.
Ms. Higginson concluded by asking for a commitment from the Minister to implement the changes recommended by the Inspector of Custodial Services, “It would be very good and I strongly suggest that you be in a position to come back and say you’ve reviewed that and changed practices accordingly.” Minister Chanthivong replied, “… We will consider those recommendations and respond appropriately.”
This issue has been followed up by Supplementary Questions submitted by Ms. Higginson which must be answered by 29 March 2024. Questions included:
(134) Are CSNSW obliged to provide facilities and materials for inmates to write out physical letters?
(a) What materials are provided to inmates?
i. How regularly are these materials restocked for inmates?
(b) What materials are able to be purchased using Buy Ups?
i. Can you provide a price list of materials available for purchase under the Buy Ups scheme?
(135) Does CSNSW accept the report of the Inspector of Custodial Services in her judgement that destroying original letters going to prisoners is illegal?
(a) Has legal advice been obtained regarding destruction and non-delivery of original mail?
i. What was the advice obtained?
(136) Is the practice of Blanket photocopying still ongoing?
(137) How many letters have been found containing contraband in the financial years:
(a) 2019-20?
(b) 2020-21?
(c) 2021-22?
(d) 2022-23?
(e) 2023-24?
(138) How many letters have been destroyed by Corrective Services in the financial years:
(a) 2019-20?
(b) 2020-21?
(c) 2021-22?
(d) 2022-23?
(e) 2023-24?
(139) How many incoming letters to inmates have been censored by Corrective Services in the financial years:
(a) 2019-20?
(b) 2020-21?
(c) 2021-22?
(d) 2022-23?
(e) 2023-24?
We await the Minister’s response to these questions.