Northern Territory Report

Northern Territory Report

The Northern Territory (“NT”) has the highest adult imprisonment rate in Australia, with approximately 1% of its population in prison. It also has the highest rate of Indigenous incarceration, with almost 4% of the state adult Indigenous population behind bars.

The Indigenous population are among the most marginalised, disconnected, and invisible identities in the world today. Indigenous peoples experience layered disadvantages that stem from intersecting experiences of oppression in areas of race, gender, class. This is also reinforced by experiences of incarceration itself.

Northern Territory Report
This report outlines a background into the Northern Territory Prison System and the current approach Northern Territory Correctional Services is taking for the rehabilitation and reintegration of prisoners. In particular, it focuses on the mistreatment of youth in detention, which was highlighted during the Royal Commission into the Detention and Protection of Children in the Northern Territory in 2017, and the stark disparity of imprisonment rates between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous people within the Northern Territory prison system.