25,000 copies of JUST US (volume 7) have been distributed to people in prisons and locked hospitals throughout Australia prior to the Federal Election. All political parties contributed their statements as an expression of the constitutional right to receive and send political information.
Despite the constitutional basis and right for the distribution of the newspaper, South Australia refused its entry in its prisons. We are now considering a Supreme Court challenge.
For locked hospitals in each of the 8 jurisdictions, it was more difficult to get approval for distribution to happen due to the uncertainty of whose responsibility it is to give respect to patient’s political rights. To some areas it was an administrative matter, others tried to call it clinical. Many states tried to escape responsibility, but they finally accepted it.
Every Member of Parliament and Supreme Court judge in all eight jurisdictions received a copy of the newspaper with an accompanying letter addressing the issues mentioned in the newspaper.
Prisoners have already expressed genuine joy regarding their contribution to JUST US (volume 7).