
Report NSW Drug Summit

Report NSW Drug Summit 18/12/2024 Drug Summit Justice Theme photo click Justice Action (JA) attended the 2024 Drug Summit aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities affected by drugs and alcohol. The drug summit, held from December 4-5 in Sydney brought together 450 people including health experts, service providers, law enforcement […]

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Justice Action’s Submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Regarding the Parliamentary Inquiry on the Decriminalisation of Drug Use

As a member of the Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Services (ACTCOSS), as well as an ‘essential’ presence at the NSW Drug Summit and International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA) (1997), Justice Action support the decriminalisation of drug use in Australia. Australian drug laws are regressive, punitive and harbour a very strict approach as they are influenced by the ‘war on drugs’ mentality. Instead, legislative change must be implemented to enable the introduction of a Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) in the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) for those who wish to use it. This is to ensure the prevention of disease transmission within prisons, as well as to secure detainees’ rights to an equivalent healthcare system.

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Women and Drugs in Prison

Drug use is a significant contributing factor to women’s imprisonment in Australia. Theories on the causal relationship between drug use and crime in Australian literature have often overlooked the influence of gender as a confounding variable. However, research indicates that pathways into drug use and crime differ for males and females. Data from the Australian

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Drug Law Reform

OVERVIEW: DRUG REFORM Australian drug use laws are fairly standard compared to other developed countries: Australia takes a relatively strict approach, punishing those who use and possess illegal drugs. The Australian government has considered and implemented some preventative measures to reduce drug rates. However, punitive measures have continued to be the country’s primary response to

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